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Blogu izveidoja xXMedoxX • 2017. gada 27. jūnijā, 00:56


GTA 6 (Grand Theft Auto VI) is Rockstar Games' rumored sequel to GTA 5 (Grand Theft Auto V). GTA 6 will likely be released for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and (If like Grand Theft Auto V) PC at a later date.

While GTA Online was Rockstar Games' immediate focus following the release of Grand Theft Auto V, the studio is already considering possibilities for GTA 6. "We’ve got about 45 years worth of ideas we want to do,” according to Rockstar president Leslie Benzies, “We don’t know what GTA 6 will be, but we’ve got some ideas." [1] A leak to Tech Radar indicated that development has begun on GTA 6 [2].



Rockstar Has '45 Years Worth of Ideas'
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GTA 6 Setting

Rockstar has confirmed development on GTA 6, and they have stated that they would like to create one Grand Theft Auto game with all previous cities from the series. In an interview with Digital Trends, Rockstar North head Leslie Benzies said he envisions players being able to travel back and forth to revisit places they explored in past games. [3]

“Of course at some point we would like to have one big world containing all our cities and let the player fly between them and revisit their favorite areas,” Benzies said. “In that context re-imagining Vice City would be very interesting.”

As of March 29, 2016, Rockstar hadn't settled on a location. They had previously scouted Tokyo, but this is not a confirmed location for GTA 6 [4].






Dave from GTA 6 fan site GTAist provided the following video looking at the latest concept map of the midwestern United States in which we look at not just the possiblity of Carcer City, but two new cities based on Chicago and Toronto.



Some fans speculate on the belief that Rockstar could return to San Fierro and Las Venturas (one or both) to complete the remaining territories not found in Grand Theft Auto V. Due to console limitations and resource devotion, only Los Santos and Blaine have been covered, but fans have shown an interest in other San Andreas cities, as depicted by GTA 6 fan website


Larger Version


On the subject of Vice City returning as a future setting, Benzies said “it is always a possibility. There are a few references to the city in our current-gen GTAs so it is part of that HD universe, and it is certainly somewhere we would love to revisit. However Vice City, perhaps more than any other GTA game, was as much about the era as the setting. Miami in the 1980’s is so iconic it would feel strange to revisit the city in a different time period.” [5]



What about a map based on the whole United States? Although the concept may seem far from fruition, games like The Crew have proven that it can be done on this current generation of consoles. A USA map is not out of the question. Grand Theft Auto fan Sengin created this concept map featuring San Andreas, Vice City and Liberty City (and some country-side to boot).…-GTA-6-Map.jpg 2x" style="background-color:rgb(26, 28, 32); background-image:url("/src/core/img/default/placeholder-crushed.png"); background-position:center center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:20%; border:0px none; font-family:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:167px; margin:0px; overflow:hidden; padding:0px; position:relative; vertical-align:baseline; width:228px" />



In an interview with The Guardian, Grand Theft Auto V writer Dan Houser stated that, as interesting as London is, it may not be right for a future GTA game. "I think for us, my gut feeling is, GTA London was cool for the time, but games were more limited then. These days I think we would love to set a game in the UK, set in London, whatever, but I don't know if it would be a GTA game. I think there are plenty of great stories we could tell about the UK, great environments to showcase, great gameplay mechanics that could have a UK bent to them – I just don't think it would be a GTA necessarily."



Grand Theft Auto Won't Return to London
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Dan Houser, along with brother Sam, the two founders of Rockstar, are originally from London. The city was used at the setting for a pair of expansions back in the GTA series' 2D days: Grand Theft Auto: London 1969, which used the original GTA's engine, was released in 1999 on PC and PlayStation, and was followed shortly thereafter by the free release London 1961 on PC. [6]

GTA 6 Characters


Dan Houser was also asked about whether Rockstar considered including a playable female character in GTA V's campaign, which features three male characters. "We didn't really think about it this time," he explained. "That's not to say that we couldn't or we wouldn't. This character set is just what came to us: it wasn't, 'we've got X and Y so we need Z,' we weren't trying to do it off a checklist - I don't think that will ever give you something that's believable or engaging.

"In the future, could we do a game with a lead female character? Of course. We just haven't found the right game for it yet, but it's one of the things that we always think about. It didn't feel natural for this game but definitely for the right game in the future - with the right themes, it could be fantastic. But for GTA V, this was the organic thing that came up, these were the characters what would display the themes we wanted to think about." [7]


Other Grand Theft Auto Guides
469px-Grand Theft Auto V 1.jpg…t_Auto_V_1.jpg 1.5x,…t_Auto_V_1.jpg 2x" style="background-color:rgb(26, 28, 32); background-image:url("/src/core/img/default/placeholder-crushed.png"); background-position:center center; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:20%; border:0px none; font-family:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-weight:inherit; height:263px; margin:0px; overflow:hidden; padding:0px; position:relative; vertical-align:baseline; width:468px" />

2017. gada 27. jūnijā, 12:27
Neredzu jegas lasit jo viss ir copy/paste.
2017. gada 28. jūnijā, 07:43
2017. gada 27. jūnijā, 02:41
Es ceru ka viņi vēl gadus piecus viņu taisīs, savādāk nebūs tehnaloģijas tā attīstījušās ka tā spēle varētu izcelties ar ko jaunu vai īpašu. Es dzirdēju no cita avota ka tieši viņi nevis sāka gta6 taisīt, bet ka tieši ļoti ilgi turpināja uzlabot gta5.
2017. gada 27. jūnijā, 02:44
2017. gada 27. jūnijā, 01:57
It kā GTA 1 bija visas 3 pilsētas vienā spēlē. Būtu interesanti, ja viņi atgrieztos vice city, ja jau gta 4 bija liberty city un gta 5 daļa no san andreas. Bet njā, viņiem vajadzētu iespējams palikt pie USA pilsētām, ja kāda cita valsts, tad tā īsti neliktos kā gta spēle. Bet noteikti viņiem vajadzētu kaut, kad parādīt vecos tēlus, vismaz kādā vienā misijā vai sazin kā, bet tas būtu interesanti.
2017. gada 27. jūnijā, 02:04
2017. gada 27. jūnijā, 01:01
Man gta v neiet kur nu vel gta 6
2017. gada 27. jūnijā, 01:07
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