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USA Today aggregated the news

Blogu izveidoja Shaftesburyw • 2022. gada 10. oktobrī, 11:11

The bonus was directly deposited to the Lawrence's Blockfolio account, which included Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana."

There's nothing like"signing bonuses" or "signing bonus" in relation to an Madden 23 coins. It's simply an endorsement contract. You sign the deal and you're paid or, in Lawrence's case you receive crypto. Although the term used in sports seems to be a common practice, it's here where things took a jump. In the wake of the Blockfolio press announcement, USA Today aggregated the news , and that's where the confusion began.

The report coMadden NFL 23 added the word "signing bonus" which was given within the Blockfolio press release, and mixed it up with Lawrence's actual Madden NFL 23 award from the Jaguars which reported that it was $24.1M, and using Spotrac as a source."The most likely number. 1 overall pick for the 2021 Madden NFL 23 draft, probably headed to Jacksonville Jaguars Jacksonville Jaguars, has partnered with a world-wide cryptocurrency-based investment application called Blockfolio and will transfer his prize in an account of the firm."

"According to Spotrac, the signing bonus This year's No. 1 selection is $22.630.055." This means that we have an endorsement deal with Blockfolio that is probably quite small in comparison to other endorsement deals, which was paid directly by crypto. It's is now linked to Lawrence's huge Madden NFL 23 signing bonus from the league, and misreported the fact that the money was deposited into cryptocurrency. Whether an honest mistake, or a plot to turn the story seem more sexually attractive, we're at the same position: An endorsement agreement with a crypto-related company was paid in cryptocurrency, and that's all there is to it.

Then, on Tuesday, someone writing for The Sun Sentinel took information published by Coinjournal in the following tweet, mocking and mocking the Jaguars QB. Of course, this is not trueas there is no proof that Lawrence invested his $24 million in cryptocurrency. However this was cited in many news reports that stated that Lawrence did not have the money, despite it not being the instance.

All good news. There is no reason to be concerned about anyone losing money, even in the form of schadenfreude. Trevor Lawrence is a really nice dude, and it is a bit disappointing to think that he cheated one of the biggest paydays of his professional football careerand he may have just lost a small portion of the initial endorsement deal. This is a bummer, but far from devastating.

A Madden NFL 23 player is caught up in one of the biggest scandals that the league has ever witnessed and the silence of the key players has never been more apparent. The latest allegations against Deshaun Watson are on the way and a lawsuit for the player has been expanded to include the Houston Texans, but you'd never have any idea what was going on when you only pay attentively to Madden NFL 23 directly or the Cleveland Browns.

On May 24. commissioner Roger Goodell said the league's investigation into Watson was waning. Just last week it was announced that the league had completed its investigation. The investigation isn't in sight, despite the fact that Watson is the subject of Madden NFL 23 has reportedly been looking into Watson for the past 15 months.

The Madden NFL 23 has held the line that it won't comment on an ongoing investigation. This is fair for something that could last for some time, but this is going on for over a year. What is the length of time needed? Sure, the buying mut coins have had enough experience to offer an update on its process or even issue preliminary findingseven if new allegations come in.

2022. gada 10. oktobrī, 11:36
No normal person plays these godawful gambling sports games, especially on this side of the world, AND especially Madden, we don't care about American Football here in Eastern/North Europe. Stop making these shit blogs that are just some weird commercials to your (probably scam) sports video game microtransaction currency online shop.
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