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Grim Salvo - Walt Disney Wormdog (OFFICIAL AUDIO)

2024. gada 26. maijā, 22:05


"Walt Disney Wormdog" off our new album MILDRED
Prod. ³³marrow

Edit by Zetsuboū絶望 (Mad God)

Listen to MILDRED 👵…SrOn1o8UxJFAQA


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Take just a minute
Before you go making a scene
Makin’ a scene, makin’ a scene
Take just a second
Before you start talking to me
Talkin’ to me, talkin’ to me, yuh
And what you believe in
I want you to know it’s a lie
It’s a lie, it’s always been a lie
Just give me a reason
To keep this shit alive
G-gimme a reason tonight
Take no bones from six-eye
Taking the bones from the place where they used to lie cold
Make your peace on the inside
Don’t have to struggle anymore
Up on the shore
Cradle rotten to the core

Go-g-god said
Far from above
Far from below
God sa-a-a-a-a-id
God said: “Oh what a mess it is”
Far from above
Far from below-ow-ow-ow-ow-
Cause you never know

God said: “Oh what a mess it is”
I can’t help but to pray for the death of it
Sent a shrike out to rake up the lesser things
Let em bathe in the cadence of leather wings

Then the dog said: “death to the edifice”
Soul go aflame fade away in resin pit
Follow me from plague into ecstasy
Perfected the recipe

Spent a lifetime sending you messages
Dance in the blood
Blurry shape of the enemy
Follow me through the plague into ecstasy
We perfected the recipe

Then the-
Far from above
Far from below
Harbor terror in my marrow cause you never know

Then the dog said
-dog said
Then the dog-
Then the dog said

Then the dog said: “death to the edifice”
Soul go aflame fade away in resin pit
Follow me from plague into ecstasy
Perfected the recipe

Spent a lifetime sending you messages
Dance in the blood
Blurry shape of the enemy
Follow me through the plague into ecstasy
We perfected the recipe

Then the dog said: “death to the edifice”
Soul go aflame fade away in resin pit
Follow all of your shame into misery
Pitiful, way we injected the treachery

What a lie of a life

God said: “Oh what a mess it is”
I can’t help but to pray for the death of it
Sent a shrike out to rake up the lesser things
Let em bathe in the cadence of leather wings

What a lie of a life

God said: “Oh what a mess it is”
I can’t help but to pray for the death of it
Sent a shrike out to rake up the lesser things
Let em bathe in the cadence of leather wings

Take no bones from six-eye
Make your peace on the inside
Take no bones from six-eye
Make your peace on the inside


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