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Reitings: 0.0

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Žanrs: Noziegums, Drāma, Fantāzija
Apraksts latviski:
Kosmopolise - filma uzņemta pēc Dona Delillo romāna par 28 gadus vecu puisi Ēriku Pakeru (lomā Roberts Patinsons, kurš savu popularitāti iemantoja, pateicoties vampīru sāgai "Krēsla"), finanšu brīnumbērnu, kurš iekļuvis Ņujorkas sastrēgumos. Kamēr Eriks cenšas izkļūt no sastrēguma, viņam nāksies izlemt pasaules finanšu likteņus, sadurties ar prezidenta kortežu, saskarties ar rokmūzikas elka bērēm un personīgo bankrotu.
Apraksts angliski:
On the spur of the moment, twenty-eight year old Manhattan self-made multi-billionaire Eric Packer decides he wants to get a haircut from his regular and longtime barber across town, a difficult journey today if only because of the traffic gridlock from three high profile but vastly different events taking place in the borough, including a wandering anarchist protest, they who largely use dead rats as their symbol of protest. Through his trek, Eric, most taking place in his stretch limousine, meets with several business associates - some with as esoteric job titles as Head of Theory - and personal acquaintances, including his several week bride, Elise, a wealthy woman in her own right with who he still has a somewhat distant relationship if only because they don't really know each other. The start of Eric's day ends much differently than the end as his personal fortune largely hinges on external forces in relation to a speculative currency transaction, and as he learns that someone is trying to kill him, who
Aktieri: Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche, Sarah Gadon
Režisors: David Cronenberg
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