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Margin Call


Riska robeža

Reitings: 0.0

Balsis: 0

Žanrs: Drāma, Trilleris
Apraksts latviski:
Šajā spraigajā trillerī, kura darbība notiek 2008. gada finanšu krīzes priekšvakarā, investīciju firmas analītiķis Pīters Salivans atklāj slepenu informāciju, kas var apdraudēt visu biznesu, netīši sagraujot viņa kolēģu dzīvi un karjeru. Nākamo 24 stundu laikā Salivans saprot, ka viņa pieņemtie lēmumi ietekmēs ne tikai firmas darbiniekus, bet arī jebkura amerikāņa ikdienas dzīvi.
Apraksts angliski:
A respected financial company is downsizing, and one of the victims is the risk-management division head, who was working on a major analysis just when he was let go. His protégé completes the study late into the night, then frantically calls his colleagues in about the company's financial disaster he has discovered. What follows is a long night of panicked double-checking and double-dealing as the senior management prepare to do whatever it takes to mitigate the coming debacle even as the handful of conscientious comrades find themselves dragged along into the unethical abyss.
Aktieri: Zachary Quinto, Stanley Tucci, Kevin Spacey
Režisors: J.C. Chandor
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