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Tower Heist


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Reitings: 0.0

Balsis: 0

Žanrs: Spriedze, Komēdija, Noziegums
Apraksts latviski:
Tā nebūs tikai aplaupīšana. Tā būs atmaksa...Ņujorkas dārgākā rezidenču nama menedžeris (Ben Stiller) vada šo namu jau desmit gadus, viņa acij nepaliek nepamanīts itin nekas. Nama ietekmīgākais iedzīvotājs - Volstrītas titāns Arturs Šovs (Alan Alda) atrodas mājas arestā pēc tam, kad tika pieķerts zādzībā lielos apmēros - apzadzis savus investorus un pievācis 20 miljonus dolāru. Kuri no piekrāptajiem investoriem ir visniknākie? Šī nama apkalpojošā personāla darbinieki, kuru pensiju plānā ieguldītā naudiņa nu ir vējā. Un tieši viņi pārzina debesskrāpi kā savu kabatu...
Apraksts angliski:
Manager of a high-rise condo, Josh Kovaks' a good relationship with the tenants; especially financier, Arthur Shaw. When Shaw's arrested for fraud. Josh thinks it's a misunderstanding that can be resolved, but later he learns that the employees' pension fund - which he asked Shaw to handle - is gone. When one of the employees tries to kill himself, Josh's views of Shaw change. He goes to see him and loses his temper - and his job. An FBI agent tells him Shaw might just walk, and recovering the fund is unlikely. She tells him it's been rumored that Shaw has $20 million lying around if he needs it in a hurry. Josh thinks he knows where it is. Josh, along with 2 other (fired) employees, a(n evicted) tenant, and an (criminal) acquaintance, they set out to get into Shaw's, and get the money.
Aktieri: Eddie Murphy, Ben Stiller, Casey Affleck
Režisors: Brett Ratner
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