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The End of Love


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Žanrs: Drāma
Apraksts angliski:
Mark is an actor, recently widowed and the father of two year old Isaac. Beyond Mark's time with Isaac who he truly loves, Mark's life is a mess. He is struggling as an actor, always hoping but somewhat delusional about his chances at getting the acting jobs for which he's auditioned. He makes no attempt at earning a living in any other manner. As such, he often needs to borrow money from his friends, always saying that the money will be returned soon. They share an apartment with Tim and Ray - it being Tim's apartment - and are behind in paying Tim rent, their share which Tim has to cover in the meantime. Mark wants to lead the Hollywood actor life, which is made all the more difficult in being Isaac's sole caregiver. Mark has intimacy issues stemming solely from the last encounter he had with his wife before her tragic accidental death. All these issues combined lead to Mark not being able to provide Isaac with much of a life, again beyond the time that they are able to spend together. Mark's life may take
Aktieri: Mark Webber, Alia Shawkat, Shannyn Sossamon
Režisors: Mark Webber
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