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A Few Best Men


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Žanrs: Komēdija, Romantika
Apraksts latviski:
Kad Dāvids dodas uz Austrāliju, lai apprecētu savu mūža mīlestību, viņa trīs līgavaiņa vedēji piešķir pavisam jaunu nozīmi frāzei “ labāk vai sliktāk”. Klasisko pirmskāzu haosu rada kultūras atšķirība starp viņa draugiem un viņas ģimeni... jo asinis ir biezākas par ūdeni, tāpat arī Dāvida biedri.
Apraksts angliski:
After meeting and spending ten days together while on separate vacations in Tuvalu, twenty-somethings Londoner David Locking and Sydneysider Mia Ramme fall in love and decide to get married, the wedding to take place on the clifftop estate outside of Sydney of Mia's parents, Jim and Barbara Ramme, the former an Australian senator. The plan is for David to move to Australia after the wedding. But first, David, who has been away for six months, has to go home to tell his twenty year best mates Tom, Graham and Luke, who have been his family in the absence of having no blood relatives of his own. The four best friends are to arrive in Sydney the day before the wedding. Each of David's three "best men" have the potential to derail the festivities based on who they are and what they are currently going through in life. Luke is nursing a broken heart as his girlfriend Sarah broke up with him. He is not as much upset about the break-up as he is about the rumor, if true, of a fundamental aspect of her new boyfriend, C
Aktieri: Laura Brent, Xavier Samuel, Kris Marshall
Režisors: Stephan Elliott
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